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Refund Policy

If you are not satisfied with our service, you may request a refund. only initiates refunds under certain circumstances. We ask that you read the Refund Policy before requesting a refund. Please be aware that our customer support team has the final determination in making decisions with regards to issuing a refund.

Refunds will be initiated when:

You accidentally paid more than one time for the same service.

You couldn’t access (view, download, or email) generated certificates at any time.

You are not able to edit (spellings and others) the generated certificate.

Because of the nature of the digital downloads, we have a strict policy on refunds.

Refunds will not be initiated for the following:

If you don’t like the colour and style of the certificates.

If it’s not useful for you after ordering.

No refunds will be given after testing the items in the lab and producing the CE/UKCA certificates.

Contact Us:

For any queries or if you are having a tough time understanding our points, you can contact our live support or you can mail us at:

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